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ARTPLAY is a child-driven session that promotes imagination and growth with focus on process art. Developed by art therapist and art educators, it is an initiative to enhance inclusion and support for all children through connecting with peers and engaging in art-making with pleasure and success. Grounded in developmental art therapy approaches, ARTPLAY is a creative invitation for children to get together, explore and grow through sensory-based art activities.


What is process art

Process art is a playful way for children to explore and engage with the art materials. The joy and pleasure stem from discovering the materials without emphasising on the result. It reflects the voice of the children, their authentic expression of their world, thoughts and feelings.



Children will explore a wide range of art forms and themes such as monoprinting, creating sculptures, painting, collage, found art, Nanyang style and much more! As their exposure to different art forms broaden the themes will act as an outlet for creative self-expression and sharing of thoughts/emotions.



Deepen understanding of Singapore through the exploration of Nanyang artists to create their own interpretation that showcases their experiences.

Explore their environment with increasing curiosity. Colours, form, shapes, lines, textures and the sensory exploration of materials such as shaving foam, DIY dough.


What are social-emotional skills?

Social-emotional skills are necessary for children to develop healthy identities and develop positive relationships.


They help children recognise and manage their emotions. They are essential for connecting with others and in building healthy relationships.


Social-emotional skills helps children to handle challenges, make responsible decisions, feel empathy by showing care and concern for others.

Art play sock puppets

How does ARTPLAY help?

Often for young children they may not have the vocabulary to express how they are feeling. ARTPLAY enables them with skills and tools to communicate their feelings and make sense of their experiences in a safe and healthy manner.


Through the directives provided, we help the child discover and better understand who they are, what they are feeling (and why), and what to expect as they learn to initiate and interacting with others.


This is achieve through the exploration of facial expression, body movements, characters and stories created by each children and sharing with their friends.

craft cardboard animals

Significance of Social-Emotional skills in Children

Young children with healthy social-emotional skills are more likely to have a positive transition to primary schools, succeed outside of classroom, work, and life. In a longitudinal study conducted in 2015, it was reported that social emotional learning in early years was related to positive outcomes in different aspects of adulthood, such as mental health and well-being, relationships, careers, and decreased likelihood of delinquency and criminality. It has been evidenced to help:

  • Build relationship skills

  • Enhance self-confidence

  • Resolve conflicts

  • Identify, express and manage emotions

  • Develop social awareness 

  • Make appropriate decisions

  • Gain awareness of what self and others are feeling

preschool social emotional skills  through arts
art therapy for children


Understanding who they are and their place in the world has a direct link to a child’s self-confidence, resilience and ability to maintain relationships. As such during the session they get to practice resolving conflicts, making friends through the sharing of materials, turn-taking and group work. Showing resilience in action, when the experimentation of art-making did not go the child’s way and how they can demonstrate emotional regulation, persevere in the face of challenges and offering support/care to each other.


This allow the child to practice adaptability, resourcefulness (problem solving skills), while they enhance their sense of agency, self-confident and self.

Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood, for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child's soul.

- Friedrich Froebel

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